Thursday, July 3, 2008

Canada Day (July 1st), Part 2

Part 2 of our Canada Day photos

In the evening, Jody and I went to Tammy and Joël's (I think that's the French spelling, with the accent - at least that's what it said on a baby name google search) house in St. Boniface and from there we walked to The Forks.  Tammy had the wonderful idea of getting a seat outside at a restaurant there and then staying there to watch the fireworks.  Jody and I were sure that everyone else would have had the same idea, but we got a booth right away (and there were only probably ten tables total outside) so from now on we're listening to Tammy!  

We first sat down at 8:30 pm, and the fireworks weren't until 11 pm, so we had a wonderful leisurely time, and took our time ordering appetizers, our meals, and then dessert.  We were on the third floor directly overlooking the activity in the plaza, and I really think we literally had the best seats in the whole area!  And we had such a good time - it was so wonderful hanging out, we had good food, great conversation, I got to take lots of cool photos, Jody was so wonderfully affectionate the whole evening, and Tammy and Joël are both hilarious and wonderful at the same time!  It was a perfect way to experience my first Canada Day!!

Here are some of the photos from the evening, to tell the story!!  :)

Walking on the footbridge from St. Boniface to The Forks


Aboriginal demonstration of costumes, drumming, dancing, etc.  (I know you can't see it here, but there were people of all ages in full costume.)


Our fabulous view from our booth on the third floor, overlooking all the activities below.


Tammy and Joël


Ha!!  Tammy and Joël again, being very silly!


Picture of the perfect red sun, as taken through Joël's sunglasses by Jody


Jody - taken by me in spy-camera mode!  :)


Joël, again me in spy-camera mode!


Tammy eavesdropping on the table behind us.  :)


Cool lights and wall!


Cool building across the plaza.


Zoom in on one of the fire-throwers in the tent below - and they were playing the coolest rhythmic drums during the whole performance.


Tammy, Joël and Jody in our fabulous booth!


Fireworks starting!


Me taking a photo of Jody taking a photo of the fireworks.  :)


One of Jody's fireworks photos, it turned out so cool!




Our desserts came literally in the middle of the fireworks, so Jody held up our cookies & cream cake with the fireworks in the background!


Jody getting ready to take a fireworks photo, I love this photo!




Our fabulous dessert - we waited until after the fireworks were done to eat it.


And finally, a self-portrait of Jody and I on Canada Day, just before we left.


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