Wednesday, July 9, 2008

4th of July Cherry Pie

Being in Canada, there weren't any big 4th of July celebrations, at least that I was aware of.  So Jody and I had a little mini celebration by barbecuing burgers, and I also boiled some corn on the cob (which we actually ate the next day cause we had too much food) and cooked up some potatoes and onions.  The onions I was sautéing for the burgers turned black in two minutes while I was slicing the tomato so we had to throw those out.  I'm bad with doing more than one thing in the kitchen at a time.  

AND, I also made a cherry pie, cause first of all it's my favorite, and second, isn't there some saying about nothing being as American as a cherry pie?  Or is it apple pie?  Anyway, I like cherry better, and I made an apple pie for Jody's birthday but I wanted him to see how good cherry pies are, too!  For the cherries I used pitted tart cherries, mixed them with flour, sugar, almond seasoning and lemon juice, and Jody loved it cause he'd never had a cherry pie that didn't just use the cherry pie filling out of a can.  Also, the dough this time worked out perfectly and it was all so yummy!!!  

Here are two pictures of the pie:



Yummy!!!! I love that second picture!!!

Unfortunately, Ferdinand liked the cherry pie, too.  On the morning of the 6th we woke up to find the pie looking like this: 


Ferdinand is the only one who can reach up on the counter, and he's eaten other things off the counter now and then, so we knew he was the culprit.  I was really pissed at him for awhile. Also, the brown burned stuff was on the underside of the dish because the cherry juice overflowed like mad while the pie was cooking.  Luckily I had put the pie on top of a pan so the juice didn't go all over the oven.  

We did still eat from this pie.  I cut out a piece in the middle, and Jody ate all the stuff I wouldn't eat, except for some of the edge stuff.  Ferdinand kisses us all the time, so he figured it was just like eating while kissing Ferd at the same time.  :)

Okay, that's all for now!  I have lots of other photos to post so I need to go choose them and resize them for the web!

1 comment:

Moore Photography said...

I'm so hungry now... I'm off to Sobey's

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