Thursday, June 26, 2008

Westview Dog Park (and Grasslands Park)

Last night Jody and I took the boys, Ferdinand and Enzo, to Westview Park to watch the sunset.  There weren't any clouds in the sky so the sunset itself wasn't anything special, but the light it sent over the grass and hills was so magical!!  By the way, I say "hills" because this is, as far as I know, the highest point in Winnipeg - it used to be a garbage dump years ago and the city made it into a park.  It's really, really pretty up there, so green and with kind of rolling hills, and the edges of the big hill are covered in long beautiful wild grasses - I was enchanted!

The park is also an off-leash dog park, and Ferd and Enzo were soooooo excited to be running all around!  I get such a wonderful kick out of watching dogs meet and greet each other by sniffing each others' butts, it absolutely cracks me up!  The other dog owners up there were really nice, and all the dogs were really nice and cute, too.  We saw two dogs who looked so similar to Ferdinand that I kept thinking they were him.  

We'll definitely be going back to this park, and especially when we see a good sunset coming!  I can't wait until one perfect day when we see the sky all gorgeous red and pink!

Here are a few photos, just for fun.  :)

Dog owners and happy dogs!


Ferd getting a bum scratch


A girl and her dog, Nina


Adorable Nina (and a little fun flair!)


I sooooooo love this photo!!!


Ferd and Enzo posing on the way back to the car


Very blurry but I love the action of Ferd and Enzo being so happy and having so much fun!


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