Saturday, May 31, 2008

First Post :)

This is the start of my new blog, where I can detail bits of my life and of my venture into the photography business. It's very exciting! And now I can post some photos here and also slideshows, which is wonderful!

The blog is one part of my new computer and soon-to-be advertising presence. I have my website domain purchased ( and have a holder page there for now. I've also purchased a website design from, but before they can load the page onto my website I need to make sure of all these settings with my hosting company (like FTP and PHP settings, which I know nothing about). On Monday I'll call my hosting company to hopefully get them to help. And then I can start getting my website ready to go!

In other very exciting news, my parents are coming to visit next week Friday (I'm SO excited for them to see our new place and new city!) and they're bringing with them, for me, a new MacBook Pro AND a new Canon 40D camera with 50mm, 1.4f lens!!!! I am SO SO SO happy and excited!!!!! And I'll be paying them back of course, but I'm just so happy to be able to get these things now.

The MacBook Pro will replace my very old PC that runs so incredibly slow. It takes me FOREVER to edit photos on Photoshop Elements. With the Mac, I'll be learning to edit with Lightroom and Photoshop and I'm so looking forward to it, and it'll be fast and reliable and so so so good to have a good computer!!! And the Canon 40D will become my new primary camera, with my Olympus E-500 serving backup duty. The thing I'm probably most excited about with the new camera is being able to take pictures quickly and not have to wait for the camera to buffer after each photo. I'm so looking forward to reading the camera manual and practicing so I can really learn to use it well.

I want to write more, to post a bio on myself, to write out a list of goals for myself - both personal and as it relates to my photography business, to post some recent photos, and to customize this blog template. I'll do all those things soon. Right now I'm finishing up my first slideshow, of photos from my friend Sue's baby shower, and I want to get that completed so I can embed it here in my new blog, along with a few photos from the event.

Creating this blog is one of the many things on my mental list of things to do, so now I can check one thing off!!

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